Course Syllabus

English IV Syllabus

Course Philosophy

English IV is designed to prepare students for upper level classes and post secondary coursework. Students are expected to read & write at home, as well as school, to better support curriculum and skills necessary to succeed. English IVis a required course…meaning you MUST PASS in order to graduate. This course will be taught at a college-prep level to ensure that students will be ready for college, tech or trade school, the military, or the world of work.


Grading and Evaluation

Students will be evaluated based on their overall performance on the Skills and Standards studied and practiced in class, and will receive grades based on their levels  of proficiency:

Not Yet Assessed - 50            NYA

No Evidence – 60            NEV

Emerging – 70           EMG

Approaching – 80            APR

Proficient – 90             PRF

Mastery – 100            MST


30% of a student’s grade will come from formative in-class activites, quizzes, and discussions.


45% of a student’s grade will come from summative end-of-unit tests and essays.


25% of a student’s grade each semester will come from the final exam.

MAKEUP Work: If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed & complete makeup work within three days of your absence.  If you are absent on the day of a test, you must come on the designated makeup day or set up an appointment.  


Late Work: Assignments have an expiration date!

  • Major grade work: All work turned in after the due date will earn at most 70%, if the work is of passing quality.  
  • Daily grade work: All work turned in after the due date will earn at most 50%, if the work is of passing quality.


Reading Requirements:

Students are required to read both inside and outside of class daily, but have the right to choose the on-level reading that is right for them. We will read every day for 25 minutes in class, this time is referred to as STIR (Structured Independent Reading) time. Students are expected to continue this practice with personal reading at home.

Student reading will be regularly assessed through in-class conferenced and graded through reflective analytical essays.

Academic Expectations
  • Your work will be thorough and complete.  You will complete all work assigned to you to the best of your ability.  Answers must be in complete sentences and they must answer the entire question asked.


  • Your work will be your own.  Cheating of any sort will not be tolerated.  If two people turn in identical or clearly copied work, both people will receive a zero for the assignment.  Do not let others see your work, because you will be penalized if someone copies from you.  Talking during tests or timed writes is also considered cheating and will result in a zero.  Copying papers from the Internet or other sources is an illegal act called plagiarism, and it too will result in a zero.  Please remember that a zero on a major grade can mean the difference between passing and failing the six weeks, so make wise decisions.  Don’t do anything that might be considered cheating.


  • Your work will be something to be proud of.  Sloppy, rushed, and/or incomplete work will not be accepted.  You will be asked to redo anything that is unacceptable.


  • Tutoring is available after school by appointment, before school from 8:30am-8:55am Monday-Thursday, and during FIT.

Mr. Marston

ELA Teacher,

  1. Charles Akins High School

Course Summary:

Date Details Due